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On Sunday 13th March Richard and I were able to go for a walk along the lanes together for the first time in months.  The fields were still much too wet for us to walk across them easily so we stuck to the roads and got along very well.  The weather was bright and sunny but the wind was strong and from the north-east so we didn’t linger.


Primroses (Primula vulgaris) had begun to adorn the edges of the roadside.

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We surprised a Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) who didn’t stay around for a photograph.

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This pond was dug a few weeks ago and it is now full of water. It is about five or six feet deep. There is a cottage on the opposite side of the lane which is being renovated and we think this pond was dug to improve the drainage round the building.

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Italian Alder catkins

Halfway down our lane a row of Italian Alders (Alnus cordata) grow between the lane and a wide arable field.  The trees are large and I assume were planted as a windbreak.

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The Beck wasn’t as deep as it had been a couple of weeks earlier but was still flowing quite quickly.

DSCN0282Our lane

Looking back the way we had come you can see the ditch at the side of the road is still very full. This ditch, along with most of the others near our house, has been cleared and dug out this winter.

The sides of the ditches are scraped to clear away the thick vegetation which if left, can stop the water from flowing away and will cause the roads and fields to flood.  The mud is then heaped up on the top of the bank and tamped down.  This is necessary work but means that we won’t see many wild flowers here for a while.

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This photo shows more of the hedging and ditching work going on.

The ditch in the middle distance has been dug out and the hedge on the far side of it which had been left for too long without maintenance and had grown into a row of spindly trees, was being cut right back.


A view across the field looking in the direction of our house.

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A grand Pedunculate or English Oak (Quercus robur) at the side of the lane. It has lost a large branch recently in a storm. You can just see the orange scar where the branch was ripped away.


Another view from the lane.


Another of the muddy lanes we walked along. The sunshine and the strong wind were doing a good job of drying the road.


The Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale agg.) are beginning to flower…..


…and so are the Lesser Celandines (Ranunculus ficaria).


The Primroses are doing well this year.


The Rookery at St Margaret’s village was busy.


More primroses under the hedge.


A male Blackbird (Turdus merula) sitting in a tree above my head was being blown about in the breeze.

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These ponds appear on St Margaret’s common when we have had a lot of rain

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This is our house as seen from the field at the back. We turned off the lane and walked back home down the edge of the field which had dried out quite nicely.

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Our big pond as seen from the field. The white cord is all the boundary marker we have at present.

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A view of the rest of the pond showing where the new summerhouse is.

My choice of music today is a video of a folk music session at a Suffolk pub.

Thanks for visiting!