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IMG_4326Primroses (640x480)

Primroses (Primula vulgaris) along the edge of the ditch at the side of the road.  I saw these on Good Friday after we had been to church and then to the Rector’s house to enjoy Hot Cross Buns.

The primroses this year are so abundant.  They are everywhere!

IMG_4327Primroses (640x480)

Richard pointed these out to me. He had noticed them while he was cycling to church on Good Friday morning to strip the altar.  After we got home we walked down the lane towards Rumburgh.

I am not sure if these pink primroses are the naturally occurring pink primroses or if they have spread from a garden.  Primroses and cowslips hybridise very easily but as these ones are some way from the nearest house I hope that they are naturally pink.  I have seen a number of pink ones on my travels this spring.

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Here is a close-up of them.

IMG_4333Primroses (640x480)

These are the primroses on the bank by St Margaret South Elmham church. I took the photo on our way home after the Easter morning service.

IMG_4334Primroses (640x480)

They do look very pretty in large groups.

I think all the wild flowers have benefited from two milder winters and lots of rainfall.  We had no time during last summer when it became too dry for the grass to grow.

IMG_4335Primroses and celandines (640x480)

A couple of lesser celandines (Ranunculus ficaria) are with these primroses.

IMG_4336Cowslips (640x480)

Some early cowslips (Primula veris) just coming out.

IMG_4337Red Dead-nettle (640x480)

A patch of rather stunted red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum)

IMG_4340Early Dog-violet (640x480)

Early Dog-violet (Viola reichenbachiana) was growing under the hedgerow.

IMG_4338Cordelia's geese (640x480)

As we walked past Cordelia’s house we saw her geese walking down the drive.

IMG_4339Cordelia's geese (640x480)

They are free to roam wherever they wish to go.

IMG_4342Primroses, celandines and daffodils (640x480)

The grass was starred with golden celandines. A few daffodils have been planted here too. More primroses at the edge of the ditch.

IMG_4345Celandines (640x480)

Just a few celandines with what looks like Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum) leaf rosettes, a few Common (Stinging) Nettles (Urtica dioica) and Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) shoots too.

IMG_4344Our house (640x480)

We went into the field and looked towards our house.

IMG_4343Our house (640x470)

Here it is.

IMG_4346Primroses (640x480)

A last photo of primroses. On the other side of the hedge are Jacob sheep with their lambs. I tried to photograph them but the hedge was so thick I couldn’t get the camera to stop focusing on the hedge instead of the lambs!


I hope you have enjoyed the flowers!

Before I publish this I must ask for your advice.  I have been looking back at posts I published last April and have noticed that at least one has disappeared.  I have not erased it myself, in fact I hadn’t looked at these posts since I published them.  I have no idea when it/they disappeared.  I remember a post about a trip to Covehithe – I still have the photos in my Media Library.  Has this happened to anyone else?  I don’t suppose there is any chance of my retrieving them; they are of no real value but I would like to know if there is anything I can do to get them back.  I have mentioned this on the WordPress Forum but I have had no response.